The Gifted Neurodivergent Child Podcast

# 2 Navigating School Administrators and Teachers With 2e Children

Lillian Skinner, Beth Anne Johnson

In this podcast we talk about how we navigate education administrators and teachers who can't or won't see the full potential of our 2e children. We discuss the words we use and when we need to walk away before we lose our cool.  

Incredible change is needed to make the world a healthy place for the most sensitive. We are up against decades of conditioning and a system that will not likely change. So we must do the changing for our children. 

We living in a culture that values being tough. It sees toughness as resilience. But reality shows us every day that resilience, as they portray it, is a farce. That the "toughest" people are often the first to crumble when things go sideways. We are not those people and we will not raise our children to be them either.

 Lillian Skinner -
Beth Anne Johnson -  
copyright @2023

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